Balletto Wine Barrel DIY Guide


we’ve curated THE BEST DIY barrel ideas, both IN form and function, so you don’t have to!



I’m sure we’ve all heard about the wine barrel planters, and don’t get me wrong, they are a gorgeous addition to any outdoor space - and easy to create at that! But why not take it up a notch? We’re going bigger and better than ever, while keeping the difficulty level at a minimum.

*All image sources are credited and linked*




Now, let’s talk about the other half of the battle: How to cut or disassemble the barrel.

*The most important part is safety! You will be handling sharp objects, tools, and maybe even power tools if you’re cool enough*

Items you might need:

  • Circular or hand saw

  • Tape Measure

  • Power Drill

  • Hammer

  • Chisel

  • Sand Paper

  • Pencil & a Chalk Line Marker

  • Protective Gear (Glasses, gloves, etc.)

  • A Friend to help (If you’ve got one of those)

Now, if you don’t have some of these supplies, it might be the time to take a trip to your local hardware store and stock up. Plus, I’m a firm believer that owning power tools makes you more powerful than the tool itself.

If you haven’t already purchased your case to get a free wine barrel, CLICK HERE.



Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff!

Project #1

Assuming that since you have a wine barrel to DIY, you probably enjoy wine! That being said, a fun project to try is a Barrel Stave Wine Rack. The stave of a barrel is that narrow plank of curved wood that holds all that wine in during fermentation. These can be pretty easy to separate once those metal hoops are removed. I suggest using a chisel, hammer, and some back bone to get these off, remember the barrels are meant to hold a liquid for long periods of time. However, I feel that putting effort into your own house decor makes you appreciate it more - and that’s what this is all about, creating a space that you love and that might take a few bumps and bruises.





This is one of my favorite projects because it’s so simple but still so beautiful. And it is a great way to show case your best wine! Of course, this project is customizable to your liking. You can make it as intricate or as straightforward as you’d like, it just depends on how hard you’re willing to work! There are also many different variations to this wine rack. You can hang it, let it rest concave on the bar, or even add holes to hold wine glasses! Whatever variation you choose to DIY, the satisfaction once you’re finished is unmatched. Then you can make it a point to ask someone to grab a bottle of wine when you have guests over, just to show off your handy work.



Project #2

It’s time to ramp it up a bit - we’re making wine barrel chairs. This DIY calls for precision, patience, and a pretty full glass of wine. If you have at least one of those things, you’re on the road to success. For this one, you will actually need to cut the barrel, this is where the precision will come in handy. You will have to cut the barrel just above the centermost hoop halfway through the barrel. Try to cut right up to a stave, just to save yourself time and sanity. Turn the barrel and do the same thing on the other side. If you cut it right, the barrel will come apart and you will have two wonky looking barrel halves. And as noted above, patience is suggested but not required because we are not finished yet. You will then have to build the seat of the chair with extra wood, so you will need to take a trip to the hardware store. Once you build the seat of your barrel chair, test it out! This is the part where you’ll need that pretty full glass of wine, you deserve it.

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

This project is a perfect summer DIY. Mostly because you have a place to rest once you’ve finished. Bonus points if you stain, paint, or decorate your chairs! Or if that’s too much work, get some comfy chair cushions and take a load off. Just like our first project, you can make this as hard or as easy as you’d like! Once your chairs are finished, invite a friend over and you both can enjoy a pretty full glass of wine!



Project #3

Last but not least, we’re making a bed for your furry friend. Now that you have a fancy chair, they’re going to want one too; so make them one! It is a similar process as project 2, but you will be cutting the barrel in half about 3/4 of the way through and then cutting out a “U” shape. This will leave the rest of the barrel looking very strange. So, you can either make another one if you’ve got another pet, or just create whatever you want out of what’s left!





One thing you can’t forget here is the cushion. Measure out the size of the center and check out some pet beds to put inside! If you want to DIY even harder, you can make your own pet bed from scratch! After your wine barrel pet bed is finished, it is perfectly ok to watch your pet snooze in it - as that is the only proper course of action.



As you start your journey to become a wine barrel DIY Master, remember to always be safe when handling any drills, saws, etc. and wear protective gear. I hope you have a wonderful time creating! Remember the possibilities are endless!


Honorable Wine Barrel DIY Mentions:

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest





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